Welcome back to Nation. The originals ran for five seasons. The show focuses on the notorious Mikaelson family first introduced to us in the second season of The Vampire Diaries. This show explores their origins and background in depth. It also revolves around the child prodigy of Klaus Mikaelson named "Hope" who becomes a target,
Her family fights to protect her while dealing with issues of their own. The Originals received a positive reception from fans and critics who found the mature storylines and earnest tone of the spin-offs to be superior to their predecessors. There are many amazing facts related to the different characters in the show that fans might not have noticed.
For five seasons, the original movies stirred up hell, and all sorts of chaos and destruction occurred in New Orleans. Many powerful and powerful enemies have come into the domination of the Mikaelsons and have been able to almost eliminate them. We've had several fights over five seasons. Enemies like Dahlia, Lucian, Hollow, and many other villains made a long-lasting impression with their destruction. But which character has the most kills in The Originals? Could Hollow be a power-hungry villain? Or was it Lucien who always tried to break free from his father's shadow?
The Vampire Diaries: Where Do You Belong Hell Or Other Side
This is not surprising, but the character with the most kill count is Klaus Mikaelson. Klaus has walked the earth for almost a thousand years and in his life, he managed to destroy families, end lives and did every unimaginable thing. There’s a reason why he earned the nickname ‘The Great Evil’. In Season 1, he single-handedly manages to wipe out entire Marcel’s army. In Season 2, he wiped the Guerrera pack. Season 3 saw him killing the minions of the Trinity. Not to forget all his kills which we witnessed in the flashback. Season 4 saw him decimating the Hollow’s followers. And final Season 5 saw a wild Klaus on a rampage after absorbing a part of Hollow’s spirit.
TVD Universe started with The Vampire Diaries, but it was the originals that gave it depth and immersion in lore, exploring the origins of werewolves, vampires, and a lot more. We saw the majority of the original characters, most notably the Mikaelson family first in The Vampire Diaries. Then came the legacies that expanded the universe further by introducing many new species and creatures that we had never heard of or seen before. Legacies unlike TVD & Originals have their style of storytelling. But since Legacies was announced, fans have speculated that the originals will appear at some point, and they eventually did. The main original characters appearing in all three shows are Marcel Gerard, Rebekah Mikaelson, and Kol Mikaelson.
No one is immune to death in the TVD Universe. It doesn't matter if you are an original vampire or a powerful witch. Every once seemingly indomitable character has come to an end. But death is not always in the world of TVD. Many characters died and returned from the grave. Interestingly, there are quite a few characters who have experienced death more than once. Characters like Elijah, Kol, Mikael, and many others have died more than once in the TVD Universe. But which character experienced "death" the most?
none other than Esther Mikaelson's first witch of the originals. First, she died at the hands of Klaus who blamed the tragedy on his father, Mikael. The second time, Alaric Saltzman stabbed her. The third time she died while the witch owned Lenore, again courtesy of Klaus. Her fourth death came at the hands of Freya who used her magic to free her mother. Her last death came when she sacrificed herself to save her children. She held Dalia tightly as Klaus stabbed her. Esther Mikaelon has died 5 times, and Klaus holds the odd record of killing her three times.
It is not surprising that the character has more than one actor. Oftentimes especially in flashback scenes, a different young actor is used to portray a character. We've seen different child actors in the originals portray the younger versions of Klaus, Elijah, Rebecca, and the other siblings. However, there are some characters like Finn and Kol who were played by different actors in several episodes. We also have Esther portrayed by three different actresses on The Originals as the great witch who switches ships often. But the character played by the most number of actors is “Hope Mikaelson”. Six different actresses played this character. Blake, Alexandria, Charlie, and Victoria Collins played baby Hope. Summer Fontana plays Child Hope in Season 4 and Danielle Rose Russell plays Hope.
When you're a vampire, you're almost immortal, but not really. It turns out that even vampires can be killed. Regardless of whether you are original or upgraded, you can face your demise. While Originals characters like Rebekah Mikaelson and Kol Mikaelson are the oldest vampires in the TVD Universe followed by Rebekah's Aurora de Martell. But Freya Mikaelson is the oldest surviving character. Freya is the eldest Mikaelson who was kidnapped by Dahlia as compensation for her spell. Dahlia used a sleeping spell to sustain herself and Freya two young women while growing stronger. Freya Mikaelson is 1054 years old. But if she gets rid of the hibernation cycle, she's somewhere in her forties.