Legacies: 5 Interesting Facts About The Originals Reunion Episode

Legacies: 5 Interesting Facts About The Originals Reunion Episode

Welcome back to Nation. Legacies Season 4 Episode 15 has finally aired with the title "Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found". The episode marked the much-anticipated Mikaelson family reunion. Although many characters such as Freya and Rebekah appear in Legacies. But the characters were last seen together in the final episode of The Originals. The Originals finale marked a bittersweet ending and a promising beginning for the Mikaelson family's legendary story. Legacies center around Hope Mikaelson, but before Legacies began airing, fans were hoping to see their lovable original characters in some capacity. Perhaps it is a cameo, flashbacks, or a recurring role. We're lucky that famous characters from the originals have finally made it to Legacies.

So Take A Look At Legacies: 5 Interesting Facts About The Originals Reunion Episode



Although this episode features special appearances from Freya, Rebekah, Kol, and Marcel. But the episode also made references and references to other original characters such as Klaus, Elijah, Hayley, Davina, and Vincent. All of these characters were last seen in the originals. With five different original characters featured, this episode holds the record for most crossovers. The record was held earlier by Originals Episode "A Tale of Two Wolves" which featured Caroline Forbes, Alaric Saltzman, Josie, and Lizzie.



Legacies occur immediately after the originals. In the final season of The Originals, we learn that Hope has attended Salvatore's School for the Young and Gifted. Hayley was Hope's guardian until she met her death. With Elijah and Klaus also saying goodbye. She felt hope would be left alone like an orphan, but we were told how the Mikaelson family would always be there for one another. Even Elijah assured Klaus that he had hope for the company of Freya, Marcel, and even Kol. But none of these Mikaelsons showed up to see how the lovable Hope works. That doesn't make sense, right?

Joseph Morgan Says Klaus Mikaelson Will Never Appear on Legacies

After all, everyone put their lives on the line at some point to save hope. We are told in the episode that the family spent nearly 3 years searching for Klaus Mikaelson's ashes. The family used magic to locate the ashes of the original hybrid. And now they're back to help find the perfect resting place for the ashes. That was why they were so far away and couldn't be around Hope. Let's get it figured out, the Mikaelson family has been out of hope for years searching for the ashes of her deceased father Klaus and now they're back, asking her to help them spread the ashes. This sounds crazy, right?


MARCEL & HOPE Legacies

It's been years since we've seen Charles Michael Davis as Marcel. Fans have to wait since season 1 of Legacies to see Marcel appear. He finally did, and he didn't seem to miss a moment. There was even a mention of Elijah Mikaelson. When Hope pointed out how ridiculous Marcel's appearance in the suit was, he mentioned that it was Elijah's suit. Marcel somehow tries to connect with Hope, who has dehumanized her. Although Hope is annoying and full of anger. She connects with Marcel on some level. There's also a recall of the points system that Hope & Marcel used in the originals, reminding us of how strong their connection is.



When it was announced that this Legacies episode will feature "Originals Reunion." There were reports that this meeting would be like a dream sequence or a flashback. There were many speculations and rumors. But every Originals fan will be happy to know this isn't some illusion or a figment of Hope's imagination. All this is real. Hope communicates with her family through an astral projection. The fact that we don't see Klaus or Elijah in any way confirms that the events of this episode are very real. At one point, Rebekah assured viewers that Vincent's spell had joined them with Hope through astral projection because of Vincent's spell. It's New Orleans and everything that's going on is so real.



  • Although this episode only featured a few select characters from the originals, it did refer to a large cast of characters. There is a mention of Freya's son and Keelen. When Hope mentions him to Freya, she responds by saying how she named her son after Nicklaus for some reason because it holds significance to her.
  • We saw in the finale of the originals that Rebekah proposed to Marcel and he kissed her. We learn in this episode that they finally got married. But Rebekah is still an original vampire and has not yet dealt with the family.
  • There is also a reference to Davina. Kol suggested that he and Davina might visit Hope. This leaves the possibility open to Davina as a veil of legacies.

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