‘The Originals’ who will be your quarantine partner
"The Originals" is a fantasy supernatural drama TV series created as a separate part of another fictional supernatural series "The Vampire Diaries". The originals began broadcasting on The CW on October 3, 2013 and ended in 2018. This series mainly focuses on the Originals family also known as the Mikaelson family. Initially, the series focuses on 3 siblings from Mikaelson's family Klaus (Joseph Morgan), Elijah (Daniel Gillis), and Rebecca (Claire Holt). Have you ever wondered if you had to live in quarantine for 14 days and need someone from "The Originals" to be your partner?We've done a Quiz that will pick you up a quarantine partner from "The Originals" based on your answer. So, let's see who you'll get as a quarantine partner.