Welcome back to NationTV. The first episode of Riverdale Who Based on Archie Comics Riverdale Show aired on January 26, 2017, on the CW Network. The first episode of the season is titled "Chapter One: The River's Edge", introduces Riverdale's characters and also explores the darkness hidden behind Riverdale's perfect life.
The series begins during the summer following the death of Jason Blossom. We See different characters from the Archie comic. Leading major Character Archie Andrews discovers his passion for music during this time. He wants to take music as a profession but he does not want to disappoint his father, who wants him to take over the family building work. Then we see Archie Betty's best friend Who harbors feelings for Archie, but her social and personal life is controlled by her mother, Alice.
Veronica Lodge, daughter of millionaire businessman Hiram Lodge, arrives in town after her father faces embezzlement charges. Veronica and Betty quickly became friends even though a love triangle between Betty, Veronica, and Archie is developing. Later we see the body of Jason Blossom by the lake. His sister Cheryl claimed that Jason drowned, but things get surprised when we see him shot in his head. This shocked the residents of Riverdale.
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